6th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling

Building Bridges

UAI 2023

Workshop Description

For AI and ML systems aimed to assist decision-making in real-world scenarios, it is crucial to perform complex reasoning under uncertainty. Moreover, in safety-critical settings, such as applications in healthcare and finance, the reasoning needs to be reliable and efficient. The emerging field of tractable probabilistic models (TPMs) is a very appealing approach in such scenarios as TPMs enable reliable (exact or coming with approximation guarantees) and efficient reasoning for a wide range of tasks, by design. The spectrum of TPMs consists of a wide variety of techniques including models with tractable likelihoods (e.g., normalizing flow and autoregressive models), tractable marginals (e.g., bounded-treewidth models and determinantal point processes), and more complex tractable reasoning tasks (e.g., probabilistic circuits) and is dynamically evolving.

This year’s workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling aims to build bridges between the multitude of techniques for tractable reasoning and fields in which tractability is key (e.g., probabilistic programming, approximate Bayesian inference, causal reasoning, and complex systems).

Invited Speakers


The workshop will be held in a hybrid format on August 4th, 2023, co-located with UAI 2023 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Room: McKenna, Peter, and Wright Room.

The workshop schedule can be found here.

Accepted Papers

The accepted papers are available here (and on OpenReview). The videos of the spotlight presentations are available on YouTube.

Call for Papers

We invite three types of submissions:

Submissions of original or retrospective papers should be up to 4 pages and use the TPM format.

See call for papers for further instructions.

Submission Link: https://openreview.net/group?id=auai.org/UAI/2023/Workshop/TPM

Important Dates


Contact us at: tpmworkshop2023@gmail.com

CC BY-SA 4.0 Last modified: August 22, 2023.